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Toms Doulble

John, aka the Fleckster,
Better check it again.
Less than 48 hours ago I visited your web site and saw a picture of
someone that was *not* Tom leaning against Toms Scout but labled as Tom
M. Who ever it is they eat better (or more) than Tom.
Perhaps my computer is stuck in a time warp but thats what I saw.


PS. Otherwise you have done wonders to your page, congradulations!
How much for the seat bases? e-mail me direct.

Willy, sorry I was confused as was Tom I think about witch picture you were
discussing. The one with that seedy black Devilish, evil scout and the guy
was indeed Tom and no I did not alter the dimensions. I thought you were
talking about the picture where Toms doulble and curt fransis were looking
at the ...ummm Chevy Dulie tow rig. That was not Tom Mandera but a clever
look alike posing for Tom allowing the real Tom (behind everyones back) to
scope out some of the radical fabrication work on my beast.


                               John L. Fleck              
			      "The Fleckster"                        
                            BACK COUNTRY BINDERS:
                   1225 N.E. Mcgee Way Pullman, WA. 99163 
                             Phone# 509 332-7565
	               E-MAIL [email protected]
		              WITH NEW PHOTOS!!!          
 For fabrication of your ideas, and speciality scout parts(Stainless, 
 Aluminum,  steel...etc)

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