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Re: Pete Shubin-Powerloc

Pete, I would pull off the cover and have a look as soon as you can, It is
a nuisance but new fluid never hurts. I suggest this because Power Locs
have a tendency for the carrier bolts to back out over time. This happened
to my 800, I drove it for a few days and I kept getting a clunking from
the rear. All the bolts had backed out 1/4 to half an inch and then
sheared off requiring me to get a new power-loc to the tune of around $500
plus some other stuff.  The guys I bought it from said that if I off
roaded much I should pull it out around every 4,000 to 5000 miles and
check the torque. Not trying to scare you ! Just don't want anybody else
to have to learn the expensive way.

Good Luck!

				Mark A. Pepe

University of Arizona					  Tucson, Arizona
			     [email protected]

*Music Education Major*Tuba Player Extraordinaire*Concord Blue Devils Alum
*Sonora Desert Scouts Member *and much much more *blah blah blah*

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