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Re: Ahhhhhh my front axle seals are leaking.

John I thought about the vents clogging but I extended the vent and unless
I kinked the line dont feel that thasts it, but I will check.

John Ekelmann suggested that I had some moister in there and it started a
little rust. The vehicle had been sitting for weeks and then when I turned
it around the rust chewed up the seal. I dont remember it leaking before
that so I think this is a good possibility.

As for Bos problem it had spark so the rotor was turning(yes) and the coil
was firing(checked it) We did not compression test it but may. Bo took it
down to a local shop that is good and fair so I will let you know what it was.

st 11:16 PM 10/12/98 GMT, you wrote:
>In a brilliant stroke of genius, John Fleck <[email protected]> blurted
>> Help my axle is leaking fluid out the front axle u-joint areas. To fisx
>>this does this entail taking the front axle off and pulling the pumkin to
>>replace the axle seals that hold the stinky fluid in? I believe this is the
>I don't have first hand experience with front axle seal problems (mine
>haven't failed), but I'd say yes... if you have gear oil leaking from the
>axle ends, I'd sure think the seals are at fault.  However, could it
>possibly be you have a clogged differential vent and somehow had excess
>pressure build up in the pumpkin forcing oil past the seals?  Or could the
>pumpkin be overfilled?
>>Second thing:
>>Speculations: it cranks but doesnt fire....we thought it may not be firing
>>under compression or that its not turning over fast enough (like a bad dog).
>>Additional info: The spark plugs are black indicating a rich fuel mix
>>caused by poor adjustment or a dirty air filter.
>This sounds *really* scary, considering it failed as he was revving it up.
>Revving an engine under a no load condition is probably one of the most
>stressful modes you can place it in.  As a matter of fact, the owners
>manual which came with my '84 Honda V65 Magna motorcycle warns never to
>exceed something like 6000 rpm under a no load condition (going from
>memory), even though the red line is 13,000 rpm.
>So I'm wondering if he has done some serious damage to the engine
>internally?  But then maybe it's something simple and nothing big.  Did you
>guys check the compression?  Does the distributor rotor turn?  Maybe try
>swapping the coil for a known good one.  It seems like you checked
>everything else.
>Good luck,
>jlandry AT halcyon DOT com    |
>Conservative Libertarian      |  
>Life Member of the NRA        |        All the GOOD things in life
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>www.halcyon.com/jlandry/      | 

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