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Re: half-cab headliner

On Sun, 13 Sep 1998 18:06:12 -0400 "Richard Knack" <[email protected]>
>I tried posting this question on the Binder Bulletin without success (no
>replies) so I thought I'd try it here. I want to install a headliner in
>steel top of my '73 Scout II half-cab, as it would provide a convenient
>place to mount speakers and interior lights and also cut down noise and
>insulation. Problem is, I'm not sure how to go about it. Has anyone else
>done this, or have any really good suggestions? If so, I'd like to know.
I've done it--sort of.  I just glued carpeting to the top and back panel.
 It won't help you mount the speakers, but it does cut down on the
interior noise by quite a bit.

It looks like you could use some fiberboard/cardboard/other rigid
material for a headliner and work it into the gooves above the doors and
windshield so that it would support itself if you wanted to go with that
type of headliner.  I'd think you'd still want to use some carpet or roll
insulation on the top to help deaden the sound.

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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