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   Well, I hate my body by the way, I was up until 5 AM talking to Erick
Foor then woke up at 8AM just because I always do. Oh well, I guess that
is what I get for being a morning person.
   I think it is time for some personal observations.
   Tom M spent considerable to much time on his back this weekend, UNDER
trucks that is! (sorry Tom freudian slip) I was talking to him on friday
and he slipped into a Maderism state and got this look on his face... It
could only be explained as pure demented genius. I wish I could have
gotten the camera up in time to capture it on film. It was a look I
always pictured him to get when thinking about his hood mounted water
gun or something.
   Jim Shepererd (sp) (look I try names three or four different ways and
when none of the combos look right I take my first attempt at it, sorry
guys) looked exactly like I pictured him.
   Eldon and Rose McFarlen look just like their picture. 
   Chris Procyk has the nicest Wagon Master I've ever seen, Well it is
the only one Ive ever seen, but; it still is the nicest. Although, he
didn't stick around and go to dinner with us and I haven't met the rest
of the family yet. I don't know where he stashed them.
   Jerry and Stacie (Ha I remembered!) Muncie are incredible folks. (Any
woman who buys her husband a Scout as a gift is a woman!) The CVI Hot
Stuff is pretty cool, and will look even better after the restor.
   Epp looked like Epp, even right side up. <g>
   Tark's truck ALMOST is uglier than mine, just one little detail. He
has floors and his doors close right! An ugly truck doesn't qualify if
you can't count the lines on the highway as you are driving!
   I am not forgeting every one else that I didn't mention (well
probable I am I just don't have anything significant to say about you,
which is a good thing).
   Next year is another year and everyone better be hear!
   If you want to get a pr-etaste though, come on over/down/up to New
Jersey in May for the Scoutin the Pinelands and come wheel with us. Once
you start you can't stop. As proof, Rob Cavaleri, Joe Costanzo, and
myself are going to caravan out to Colorado for the RMIHR next year. We
can't wait! 

Dan Nees
[email protected]

   1979 Scout II 345, Auto, 3.07's, Trak-Lok. One Ugly and Trusty Truck.
Stacking the deck for the ugly truck competion. 

1971 Scout II 304, D30/44, D20, power steering.


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