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Marks Thermostat


        I about overheated my horn as I passed you in the opposite direction 
trying to get your attention in Picacho.  How was your ride?  I came back from 
PHX on sunday afternoon, to work on stuff here, namely my master cyl. in the 74 
after backing it over a cliff.  Amazing with your 16 MPG, mine has dropped from 
12 to about 10.5 with the AC on all the time.

        See you sunday.

     -Joel Brodsky

         '76 IHC Scout II 345/tf727 RE8000, Cibie40s, custom 
                rear tire rack, 6 different color body panels.
                Not much sport, all utility.
         '75 IHC Travelall 150 4wd 392/tf727 Hummer brush guard, 
                3/4T rear springs, Hella Rallye 2000s, Con-Ferr 5x7,
                Class IV hitches front and rear, 3" Exhaust.
                1st Place, Rocky Mountain IH Rendezvous,
                3rd Place, Tulare IH Western Regionals.
         '74 IHC Travelall 150? 2wd 392/tf727 "The 'new' one"
                Factory AM/FM, Cruise, Tilt, AC, Captains Chairs,
                Rblt, Alt, carb, fuel pump, ps pump, water pump, dash,
                seats, rear door, starter, what could be left?


Date: Tue, 8 Sep 1998 08:42:05 -0700 (MST)
From: Mark A Pepe <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Thermostats

Hey all,

        I replaced my thermosts this weekend with one of the ones from
Autozone that someone mentioned. It certainley looks more heavy duty than
the old stant I pulled out, and it looks as if the new one has a larger
opening for water/coolent to pass through. It seems to run cooler too, my
wife and I drove to Pheonix this weekend and it was  around 104-105
degrees outside. The needle stayed in the center of the guage instead of
3/4 up , where it used to read on such days.  (this is with the AC going
as well)

Thanks for the help!

Oh, and get this I averaged 16MPG  on the way up! with the 345 and a
500cfm Holley carb (rejetted though)
I kept it right around 65mph, since thats where it seems happy.
However on the way back I averaged only 12 but it was kind of windy and I
pushed it a little harder.

Happy Mon.. err Tuesday!
                                Mark A. Pepe


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