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Re: SUV?

One of my friends from school married an Assie and moved over there. Any
vehicle that isn't a car is a "ute" as in Utility Vehicle. But, this is
readily answered when our Digesters from Down Under, who are just
getting to work now, read the question and kick in their answer. (It is
tommorow and 14 hours later there using EDST.)

Dan Nees
[email protected]

   1979 Scout II 345, Auto, 3.07's, Trak-Lok. One Ugly and Trusty Truck
covered in mud! Thinking about throwing a couple of big buckets of mud
on it just before I get to the fairgrounds!

1971 Scout II 304, D30/44, D20, power steering.


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On Wed, 2 Sep 1998 01:27:59 +0000 [email protected] writes:
>To Those In The Know:
>Is an "SUV" the same as a "Ute"?
Close.  To me a Ute is the Australian pickups that tend to be something
like an El Camino with a club cab and our present club cab pickups are
getting close to the concept  These could be included in a broad
definition of Sport Utility Vehicle, but this generally seems to mean
something like the 4WD's with a full cab.

At least, that's my definition of the terms

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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