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Re: Speaking of lost film..

> From: Tom Mandera <[email protected]>
> Date: Wednesday, August 26, 1998 10:52 AM
> They should also serve as a
> reminder that my internal "tip-o-meter" needs recalibrated... 

> Many thanks to Bill Thebert
> for pointing out how precarious a situation it was, and for the strap
> to safety... one more lesson learned.  

No problem, Tom.  We really would hate to lose you, just as you're "hitting
your prime".  

Don't forget that it was Dan Larson working on your truck's rear end, while
I winched from the front.  His lateral pull was an important part of the
recovery.  And I couldn't have properly worked the winch if Mark Korsten
hadn't been in the driver's seat holding the brake and working the
throttle.  Sounds like a team effort to me.


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