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Re: The 74 tall is coming along.

Joel Brodsky wrote:

> back and headliner.  Does anyone have any ideas for how to get the dust out of
> the headliner?  SHoudl I just take the panels out then put them back after a
> good cleaning?
 I replaced the headliner in my Travelall a couple of weeks ago (got a
good set of panels, though not perfect, from a Travelall that a friend
out. The original ones in mine were terrible!). It wasn't too difficult
- I
guess it depends on how worried you are about the dust that might be up
If you're going to go to all that trouble, you might want to think about 
getting some 1" or 1 1/2" thick insulation to put up there. There was
insulation in mine, but there was almost a 6" gap around the edges of

> What about the fan shroud?  ANyone have one or
> know of one in a yard that they can grab for me?  It's the Deep one, like 12"
> deep.
 Good luck. Mine was broken around all of the mounting holes, so I
around for a better one - no luck. I ended up attaching some sheetmetal
mine to make it work. Maybe you can adapt one of the earlier shallow fan 
shrouds? Make a 6" or 8" deep tube out of sheetmetal, and attach it to 
the shallow shroud.

>  I was going to spring over the rear, and then go with 31s allthe
> way around, that way I could use any spare I have and be ok.  Let me know
> what you all run.
If you springover the rear, what will you do to the front - doesn't it
the IFS?

> What's the clue on the hood hinges?  They fle pretty good when you open or
> close the hood.
 The inner fenders all seem to rust out right where the hood hinges
probably because there were two layers of metal there, and moisture and
get in between them. There was a guy at RMIHR selling sheetmetal pieces
you can bolt or weld into place to repair that area of the inner
They didn't look very complicated, so you could probably do it yourself.

later,         [email protected]  Louisville, CO
  Curt         Binder Bunch: http://www.off-road.com/~jweed/binder.htm
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 [[_______|=s=|_______]]                  `' `--------' `--'
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 [/>/]             [\<\] '75 Scout II     '75 Travelall 150

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