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Re: A share of those bills

On Fri, 21 Aug 98 09:06:53 -0700 John Hofstetter <[email protected]>
>>Subject: Re: Distributor Question
> All good teachers know 
>that students have to have time to think, because just telling them the 
>answer only gives them the answer, not logical thought processing. 
>Ancient Chinese Probverb: Give me a fish and I eat, teach me how to fish

>and I feed myself forever (or something like that)

Sounds like a good cover story for slow-thinking teachers!

Ancient Chinese Proverb Variation #1:Give me a fish and I eat, teach me
how to fish and I'll sit in a boat and loaf for the rest of my life!   

That's about like the variation of " He who dies wth the most
toys...............				is still dead."

Enough for philosophy.

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