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I heard Dan mentioning;

I can't say that the KandN helped high end all that much, but;
as far as
filtering goes... I've been spending alot of time in the woods
here in Jersey and it hasn't rained really good in about two
(Hope for a good two-three days worth before the Scoutin the
weekend, though) and it is so dry and sooo dusty. I checked the
last week and it is completely unnoticeable that I've been
playing in
the sand.

Dan Nees
I used to spend alot of time four wheeling in my, well you know,well my, 
should I say it, oh well, Toyota, up in Calaveras County out here in 
California(Gold Country).  Anyways, the roads would be covered with 
anywhere from 6" to a 1' of red dirt the consistency of talcum powder 
and when I would go to change my air filter(always Wix)I found it 
comforting to see all the dirt clogging the filter knowing it hadn't got 
any further.  I just thought filters were supposed to get dirty.

Gary Ciraulo
<[email protected]>

P.S. Kinda' funny how that Wix filter had Toyota stamped right on it.

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