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Darrel Kline wrote:
> At 09:09 PM 8/6/98 EDT, you wrote:
> >Darrel,
> >
> >I believe the formula for a "standard" 20 degree ramp is:
> >
> >distance traveled X wheelbase divided by 1000.
> >
> >Theresa
> >
> 83" x 100" divided by 1000 = 8.3
> I got a 8.3 on the ramp. That must be some kind of record. :-)
> Darrel

 I think that should be (83" / 100") * 1000 = 830

 if you want to convert that to what it would be on a 20 degree ramp
you would need to do something like this:

   830 sin 25 = X sin 20    or X = 830 * (sin 25/sin 20) = 1025

 Now just for fun, let's take Erik Stude's winning score (was it 122?):
His wheelbase is 102", so you'd get:
  (122/102) * 1000 * (sin 25/sin20) = 1478 (20 degree ram equivalent)

later,         [email protected]  Louisville, CO
  Curt         Binder Bunch: http://www.off-road.com/~jweed/binder.htm
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