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Re:T'all brakes

>he dosen't have that information I'm just going to go over and
pull one 
of the front wheels and take a look myself. 

Oops, my windy post of beforeI assumed that we were talking
about the rear brakes!  Well, I guess you've figured out that
they're a big problem, too. <g>

Hello all,

I was just trying to get an idea of the brake condition by looking at 
the brakes that should have the most wear, I did not want to take the 
whole thing apart in his driveway.
THE FRONT BRAKES-"big problem"?  Oh well, I've bought and will pick it 
up wedensday.  I'm actually not to worried about the brakes anymore the 
owner told me he just redid the back brakes because of the slave 
cylinder, not because of wear.  And if I have to have brake parts made 
my dad has a place(possibly Redwood City) that made us steering brake 
parts for his 1940 International TD-6.
Also for everyone in the bay area the Pick-n-Pull on commercial St. in 
San Jose supposedly has a T'all with the drums still on it-are you 
listening Michael-at least at one time it did and that is what the guy 
I'm buying the truck from told me.  I'd thought I'd bring that up since 
I don't see myself going there in the near future and thought one  of 
you Bay Area Digesters might need some parts.

Gary Ciraulo
<[email protected]>

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