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RE: Re:horns/newsletter.

My personal favorite for a horn is an "AHhhoooga" horn.
It's loud, and instantly grabs people's attention since you don't
hear that kind of horn every day. Besides, it's good for grins.

   >From:    	Rob Marks <[email protected]>
   >To:        	"'IHC Digest Reply'" <[email protected]>
   >Subject:    	Re:horns/newsletter.
   >Date:    	Fri, Feb 13, 1998  9:24 AM
   >Horn tread may be dead but here goes anyway:
   >Pulled a junkyard set off of a early 70's Toranado.  Not terribly loud
   >but nice DEEP tone.  Kind of reminds me of a bull.  Anybody got a set of
   >longhorns I can mount on the hood ;-)  Still want something louder
   >though.  Spent all of $5 for the set.  Old guy at counter insisted they
   >would not work.  He took them in back to hook them up to a battery.
   >Should have seen him jump!  Ha.
   >Lets here it for Delco!
   >Getting geared up to send out first N W Binders newsletter of 1998.  If
   >anyone in club or not,  would like me to include anything, please feel
   >free to E-mail me. 
   >Off digest mailto:[email protected]
   >Rob Marks  NW Binders Pres.

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