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MSD advance and Abuse of Tom M.

>Date: Mon, 09 Feb 1998 18:26:19 GMT
>From: [email protected] (John A. Landry)
>Subject: Distributor Intallation Tip
>Me again!
>For those of you who have an MSD Adjustable Timing Unit, you might
>appreciate this...
>Last night I installed a Prestolite distributor I rebuilt into my 76
>Traveler.  I set the engine on TDC of the compression stroke for the #8
>cylinder, inserted the distributor with the rotor pointed to a cap terminal
>which was connected to the #8 cylinder.  I then tried to start the engine.
>I cranked and cranked and the engine would just barely catch but wouldn't
>run.  In fiddling with the distributor (advancing and retarding), I finally
>got the engine running, but just barely.  I verified and reverified that
>the rotor was pointed correctly and that the plugs were connected
>correctly.  Once I was able to get the engine running well enough to jump
>out and use a timing light, I found the timing extremely retarded... like
>maybe 20 degrees or so.
>What I had forgotten was the MSD Adjustable Timing Unit!

>Consider yourself warned.  You don't have an excuse now to frustrate
>yourself like I did.  <grin>
>Take care,
>- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>[email protected]             |
>Conservative Libertarian        |  Scout(R) the America others pass by
>Life Member of the NRA          | in the Scout Traveler escape-machine.
>WA Arms Collectors              |
>Commercial Helicopter - Inst.   | 1976 Scout II Traveler "Patriot" model
>http://www.halcyon.com/jlandry/ |     1977 Scout II Traveler (Parts)

My MSD Adjustable Timing Device is sitting here by my elbow waiting for El
Nino to give me a break to get it installed. Timely words of warning.

To Whom It May Concern:
I've been catching up on past digests and was amused and bemused by the
"attacks" and consequent "defense" of Tom's dreaming. I've been in Florida
the last couple of weeks and was reminded of a story told there in the
Everglades NP. The only recorded alligator "attack" happened like this. A
family from Italy was visiting the Everglades and rented bicycles to ride
the trails. The fat little kid got into some kind of bike trouble and
tumbled over the handlebars, down the bank into the open jaws of what must
have been an astonished alligator. His mother rolled down the hill, climbed
on the alligator's back and started beating on it with her fists to the
point that she broke a couple of bones in one arm. The father rolled down
the hill and tried to pry the alligators jaws open. The alligator, I
suspect in a state of shock, spit the kid out, punctured with teeth marks
but relatively unhurt, and slipped off into the water, no doubt to see if
any of the other alligators would believe such a story. The father dragged
the kid up on the path, and then the mother, who proceeded to whack the kid
with her good arm telling him that he shouldn't be doing such  things as
falling off a bike, rolling down a hill and into the open jaws of an
what's this got to do with Tom. It's just that a few of us "older guy"s
feel that he is justifiably ours to abuse and want the rest of you to leave
him alone. Or else you'll know how the alligator felt.

John Hofstetter, who nets at   http://www.goldrush.com/~hofs
Owner of 79 Scout Terra  with 8000 lb. Warn Winch,
Detroit Locker in rear and LS in front,
 4" Trailmaster lift    Holley E F I  Mallory Unilite Dist.   MSD ignition
Too darn long and too darn wide  to always go where I ask it to go.
NRA, Life Member   Calif. Rifle and Pistol Assn.
Blue Ribbon Coalition              Friends of Death Valley
Sierra Macintosh Users Group     MacTwain Macintosh Users Group
Association of California School Administrators,  Life Member

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