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sticker ??'s

 I hope nobody minds me putting in my $.02 even though I didn't submit a

 Did we place a limit on the number of colors? Entry #5 contains
5 colors - I assume this would increase cost (cool design though!).
 Also, are these the final forms, or is there room for negotiation. I think 
the sticker should include either the web address or the email address of 
the digest - there are several designs that I like, but that don't include 
either. Can we agree to put a web or email address at the bottom if the 
design doesn't already include it?
 Later,                [email protected]  Louisville, CO
   Curt                Binder Bunch: http://www.off-road.com/~jweed/binder.htm
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 [[_______|=s=|_______]]                  `' `--------' `--'
 [/</]   \_/       [\>\]                   `-'        `-'
 [/>/]             [\<\] '75 Scout II     '75 Travelall 150

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