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Re: Air Conditioning Question

On Wed, 21 Jan 1998 19:08:17 EST [email protected] (Kevin J De Vries)
>     I was wondering if anybody cold help me with a little problem.  I
>currently stripping my '78 Scout that was rear ended last summer and 
>I am parting it out(HINT: I'VE GOT PARTS FOR SALE).  I am now going 
>to disconnect the air compressor, but I don't want to lose any of the 
>freon so I can save the Ozone layer and reuse it for latter(MAYBE).  
>Here's my question:  I was scanning my service manual and it stated 
>that if you open a valve on the compressor you could transfer the 
>freon to the compressor and close it off leaving the rest of the system 
>empty to freon.  I'll do some more reading, but would greatly appreciate
>and all info on doing this or any other way of safely removing the freon

>from the system.  Thanks in advance.
The valves on top of the compressor seat both when they are turned all
the way in and all the way out.  When it is turned out, the port for
attaching the gauges are closed off and the freon flows from the hoses to
the compressor normally.  When the valve is turned all the way in, the
path from the hoses to the compressor is closed off.  This allows you to
remove the valve from the compressor and change the compressor without
losing the freon in the rest of the system.  You lose only a small amount
of freon that is in the compressor.  However, I do not know of a way to
"transfer the freon to the compressor" as there is no room to store it
there.  Hope this helps clairfy what happens.

Howard Pletcher
Howteron Products Scout Parts

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