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RE: Re:AC compressor lube

The point is, try it first. you'll see that complex oiling systems and all kinds of fancy matenance schedules are pretty much a waste of time. When you can find a pump for $25-$45 at  junkyard, and 2-3 years of "beat the hell out of it" service, go for it. I don't know how long it will last yet, but I know John L has used the living daylights out of his in the last year and it wasn't the pump that recently failed, it was the clutch bearing. I've used mine for 9 months now, and if it dies today, I'll have gotten my money out of it.

Owen Minor

   >From:    	Rob Marks <[email protected]>
   >To:        	"'IHC Digest Reply'" <[email protected]>
   >Subject:    	Re:AC compressor lube
   >Date:    	Wed, Jan 14, 1998 10:55 AM
   >All refrigerant systems that use Freon's I know of use a lubricant that
   >is compatible with the freon.  The new as well as old Freon's are not
   >lubricants.  In fact they are very good cleaners.  Many electronics
   >manufactures used R-11  Freon for cleaning circuit boards until CFC
   >venting laws were established.
   >Since the refrigerant systems are designed to be closed systems, what
   >lubricant that migrates with the freon (refrigerant), eventually comes
   >back to the compressor.   Reciprocating compressors like the York used
   >in the IH's are very good at moving Migrating) the oil.
   >So now you want to use the same compressor, open up the system, to pump
   >air?  You will need to add some type of pre-oiler on the intake side as
   >well as fill the oil resivor (crankcase) of the compressor.  You may
   >want to collect this oil down line before it gets into tires, tools,
   >ect.  You also have added a high maintenance item as you will need to
   >check the oil level in the crankcase of the York more often.
   >Probably the ultimate solution would be to take pistons out of York
   >compressor and have them machined for additional rings to help eliminate
   >the oil.  
   >Has anyone ever install additional tubing and a reversing valve for an
   >automotive  AC systems?  This would give you instant heat out of your AC
   >system to aid in heating up the cab before the engine is warm.  
   >Rob Marks
   >NW Binders

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