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Re: Another Transmission/transfer case Question

>Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 16:46:40 -0700 (MST)
>From: Mark A Pepe <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: Another Transmission/transfer case Question
>O.K., I have a 76 Traveler with 345 and I think TF727. 
>Yesterday I went putting around some nearby mountains and used low
>range for the first time. (I have only had this truck for about 2
>months and am still "getting to know it") I don't know if I have any
>traction aiding difs (I bought the truck from a second party who 
>knew nothing of it's history) anyhow.. I shifted into low range and 
>it worked fine until I was turning while climbing a rough hill and 
>the transfer case lever suddenly popped into nuetral with a
>clunking/binding sound. so I thought "hmm... That's odd" and shifted

<Big Snip>

>Thanks for any comments!
>Mark A. Pepe			[email protected]		Tucson,Az


I have a '78 Traveler 345/auto and it does the same thing. It's done 
it since it was new. My will jump out of 4H and 4L. Mine seems to do 
it most often while half way up a real steep hill at just the 
moment when you really don't want to be in neutral<G>. I have 
developed the habit of climbing with one hand on the shift lever and 
one on the wheel. As I climb, every time I reach a little dip or flat 
spot I ease off the gas, shove the shift lever in and nail the gas. 
Works for me.

As a side note, I used to have a '70 IHC short wheelbase, short box 
half ton 4x4 and one time I went down a hill and found on the return 
trip that I couldn't get backup. So I got my chainsaw out and cut a 
bunch of wind fall trees into 8' logs and filled the box to the 
top of the cab. With the added weight the hill was a piece of cake 
until the stupid xfer case jumped out of gear. I ended up going 
backwards - let me tell you it was a heck of a ride<g>. After that I 
made sure I had the shift lever in hand when climbing.

Bill Mounteer
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Phone (403) 253-7709
Fax   (403) 640-0180
'78 Traveler 345/auto/air/mega rust - being restored
'77 Traveler 345/auto/air/parts supply/currently stolen

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