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Re: Hood latch

On Tue, 2 Dec 1997 08:03:44 -0500 (EST), [email protected] wrote:

>Dean and others,
>Apparently there is a screw and/or nut adjustment for the tension of the hood
>latch spring.  I'm looking in my service manual as I type this....
>...ok, got it.  You can adjust the side to side alignment of the catch itself
>on the firewall by loosening the four bolts and moving it.  You can also
>adjust the spring tension by a screw or a bolt.  I'll go out and look at mine
>after I take a shower!

Yo guys...

In addition to adjusting the amount of protrusion, remember also that you
can move around the spring and pin on the hood once the lock nut is
loosened.  It has a quite a bit of range of movement in every direction, so
you shouldn't have to shim the catch on the firewall.  The catch on the
firewall should only need to be moved slightly if at all... most of the
alignment can be accomplished by the spring and pin assembly alone.

I had the same problem when I bought my Traveler last year.  I dove right
in and took the catch and spring pin assembly completely off the vehicle
and soaked them overnight in carburetor cleaner (to removed the fossilized
grease and dirt).  I squirted a little bit of transmission fluid into the
cable so it slides nice and smooth.  I recoated the appropriate areas of
the catch and spring pin with synthetic grease (completely waterproof) and
adjusted everything for a perfect fit.  It took a bit of trial and error
type fiddling, but the hood now closes easily and securely.  It opens
easily with a medium tug on the knob.

Have fun,

[email protected]             |
Conservative Libertarian        |  Scout(R) the America others pass by
Life Member of the NRA          | in the Scout Traveler escape-machine.
WA Arms Collectors              |
Commercial Helicopter - Inst.   | 1976 Scout Traveler, V345A, 727, 3.54
http://www.halcyon.com/jlandry/ |

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