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Re: <E28> Stalling issue ongoing. IACV not clicking and....

Thanks Alex,

I am hoping the ICV isnt trashed, but since it doenst click at all your
probably right.

I am wondering though.  Like I said the 3 prong connector gets 12V on the
center prong when you put the key in "on" position.  The other prongs dont get
anything at all.  I am assuming one of them is a ground but what is the other
for?  I want to be sure its the ICV before I go spend money on another one.
Maybe its supposed to get power to the other prongs or something?

The car stalls out cold or warm

Does anyone have the wiring diagram for this thing and anything else that is
inline with it? or any more tests I can perform to ensure its the ICV before I
spend money on a new one? s

Please help
Ron Jordan
85 535i Stalling out
73 911s 2.7

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: [email protected]
  To: Ron Jordan
  Cc: BMW ; E28 Group ; [email protected]
  Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 3:13 PM
  Subject: Re: <E28> Stalling issue ongoing. IACV not clicking and....

  "Ron Jordan" <[email protected]> wrote:
  > So the saga goes on problem #2 the stalling car at idle.
  > Problem summary:
  > the car dies when you come to a stop or when the clutch is depressed, and
  > RPM drops below 700 and when you restart it, it runs, but as soon as you
  > let off the gas it stalls.  Real pain to drive anywhere in the city.

  This sounds exactly like the cold running problem that I had with my E30.
  Took me months to track it down since the ICV was pass all Bentley check
  but still stick shut when cold. Apparently it got caked with blow by oils
  that would prevent it from moving until the engine bay warmed up. The
  electronics were still ok, but the valve would stick and choke the cold
  engine causing it to stall.

  > This is what I was told to do :
  > First, have someone turn the car to the "on" position while you listen
  > under the hood for the ICV to click. No click? Test to see if it's
  > amperage.
  > OK.. So I did that.., didnt hear a click, pulled off the 3 prong
  > and had a freind switch the key back and forth.  The center prong on the
  > connector gets power in the "on" position.  So there is voltage there
  > the key goes forward.  but I didnt hear the IACV make any noise at all.
  > clicks or any other thing.

  The ICV should click incessantly.
  If it doesn't, trash it and install a new one. Used ones go for around $50
  from most junk yards. Brand new ones are about double that.

  > I was told to check the throttle switch but I have no idea where that
  > would be since I am without a bentleys.  (please  be patient, i will
  > get one as soon as my daily driver is mobile again)

  I don't know if M30 even has a throttle switch.
  Either way if it was the culprit you would be having all of your idle
  problems at part/full throttle. Since it's the other way around suspect the
  ICV (aka idle bypass valve).

  alex f
