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Re: Radiator hose/ AC/ Cruise
"Phil D" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Learn a lesson from me. Check the tightness of your hose clamps
> occasionally, rather than just visually inspect them. One of mine worked
> loose yesterday and dumped the coolant. I had replaced all hoses and h20
> pump last summer, and haven't really thought about checking them.
> A few questions: After it dumped, I tried to limp on to a gas station.
> Got about 2 miles from it before the temp started soraing. Never got
> into the red, but came up close. Got some fluid and H20, refilled, bled,
> everything was fine. Temp stabilized in its normal spot. Drove home and
> everything was fine.
> However, I noticed that my cruise control stopped working. Can't figure
> out any connection. Just a coincidence?
It is either that, or some of the coolant had gotten into the cruise
control mechanism/wiring and shorted something.
> Also, my a/c stopped working as well. I thought maybe the belts were
> slipping, but the power steering worked just fine. A/c never cam back
> on duringthe ride home.
Were you running AC while the car was overheating? Is your auxiliary fan
working properly?
Overheating + running AC can overheat the AC system and build up the
pressures causing the high pressure switch to open and discharge the
refridgirant. BTDT.
I would start by checking the AC pressures and take it from there.
alex f