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BMW CCA Lone Star Chapter 2002 Autocross Season Pre-registration
- Subject: BMW CCA Lone Star Chapter 2002 Autocross Season Pre-registration
- From: Mark Williams <williamh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 01:10:01 -0600
Hello all fellow DFW area driving enthusiasts!
The Lone Star Chapter Autocross Committee, headed by Mark Williams as
this year's Autocross Chairman, is contacting as many past and future autocrossers
to invite you to join us for this year's autocross season. All event dates, rules, car
classification and modification points information can be found on our chapter
website at http://home.flash.net/~dbrjohn/ .
In an effort to make our first event (Saturday, March 2) go smoothly, I am
asking everyone who expects to attend at least one autocross event this year
to respond to this message (directly to [email protected]) with the following
information so we can pre-load our registration database and make communications
with you easier. We need each driver's:
Home address (street, city, state, and zip):
Telephone (home, work, and cell):
Emergency contact name and phone number
E-mail (primary and secondary):
BMW CCA membership ID # (where applicable):
Car (year, make, model):
Car Class: (A thru G, X or Y... see web site for details)
Car number (up to 3 digits - no alpha characters):
Whether you would like your results posted ANONYMOUSLY on our website and in
our local chapter newletters by posting only your car number (HIDE name or
SHOW name):
Whether you would like to be contacted/reminded via e-mail about upcoming
Car numbers will be assigned on a first come, first served basis as your email responses are received.
Regarding the privacy of your information, the autocross committe will keep this
information entirely confidential. It will not distribute, sell, or otherwise provide your
data to any person or entity outside the Lone Star Chapter's Board and committees.
It will not be available to any individual LSC members or any BMW CCA National
authorities. Your data will only be used for specific LSC autocross purposes and for
general club communications about upcoming events (as determined by your opt-in
e-mail designation above).
After listening to your feedback from last year, we've made some exciting changes to the
autocross program for 2002 (unless specifically indicated, most things will remain as they
were in 2001, such as registration fees, number of runs per day, starting times, work/run/rest
format, etc). Changes for 2002 include:
1) A new non-BMW class (Class Y). Whereas last year we had only one non-BMW
class (Class X), this year we will have a Class X (under 3.0L actual/calculated displacement)
and Class Y (3.0L and over of actual/calculated displacement). The top 3 finishers in both
Class X and Y are eligible for trophies. [For calculated displacements, forced induction
engines get a 1.5X displacement multiplier and rotary engines get a 2.0X multiplier].
2) We have some new technology to replace our outdated equipment: A new Dell laptop and
autocross software, a color printer for full page results, and a label printer that will automatically
print out timeslips immediately after each car crosses the Finish lights.
3) We all know how hot it gets on the Mineral Wells tarmac! To help comfort
our participants, we purchased an additional 8.5' X 8.5' canopy to provide a
shaded rest spot (people only, no cars :) ) away from the scoring tent in a safe area.
4) Because each course is a new and different layout, sometimes we have
areas on the course that have lots of gravel and sand - this keeps the cars
a-spinnin' and corner workers a-runnin'! We purchased a high speed lawn
leaf/gravel blower to help us clean the course before the event starts!
Many thanks to our new LSC Board for approving these new equipment purchases.
We believe that such improvements will continue to allow the BMW LSC autocrosses
to be among the best run and best valued events in the DFW metroplex.
The Autocross Committee looks forward to seeing all of you at our events. We welcome
anyone and everyone to watch and/or participate - so spread the word!
Mark Williams
Dallas, TX
91 ///M3 2.5L
PS.... again.. send your pre-registration data to: [mailto:[email protected]]