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Subject: [E34] Front End Shimmy


Did you replace the thrust arm bushings? I'm assuming the 540 has thrust
arms. If you put firmer, new bushings in the control arms, but left the old,
softer bushings in the thrust arms, EVEN if they looked good, I'm afraid
you've set yourself up. I have been told that the shimmy you describe is
most sensitive to those thrust arm bushings. I used to experience it
regularly. It will cup the tread and ruin your tires very quickly.

I replaced thrust and control bushings on my 1986 535i (E28) with 750 spec
bushings, shaved down to fit (Bavarian Autosport - new arms with new
bushings preinstalled). The results have been extremely satisfying, so far.


>>2. I just replaced the control arm bushings with the more solid
750i bushings I have heard good things about. This helped to
tighten up the suspension, particularly on turns, etc, but
seemed to actually amplify the problem rather than solve it.
[I did observe that one of the bushings that was returned to
me had ruptured/torn, so this probably was not a bad idea
