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re: Brake light switch

 >I need help with the procedure on changing the brake light switch on my 95
 >M3. I ordered the bentley manual in hopes that it would shed some light on

This seems to be a fairly common problem on E36 cars.  From what I've found 
on the web, the solution is to replace a $10 switch under the dash.  I've 
seen complete instructions with pics somewhere on the web but can't find it 
now (not in my bookmarks).  I may be having same problem in my 97 M3 
because the OBC is showing "brake light fail" when the "check" button is 
pressed.  I'll keep looking for the web page showing the procedure.

Kevin Gregg
[email protected]
1997 BMW M3 Estoril Blue luxury coupe, 100% stock
BMW CCA 270751
Columbia, MD, USA
