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Re: bmw-digest V9 #1874

This sounds totally bogus. Snake oil.

First off... Do you know what "regular air" is? Well it's 78% Nitrogen,
21% Oxygen, 0.03% Carbon Dioxide, and misc. gases. So any alleged benefit
must be due to the removal of the Oxygen or Carbon Dioxide and not due to
the Nitrogen.

Well you mentioned lower temps... so let's look up the thermal
conductivity of Oxygen, Nitrogen. And we have:
     Oxygen: 0.02674 W/m/K
   Nitrogen: 0.02598 W/m/K
Nitrogen is actually worse (by a very very very tiny amount) at conducting
heat than oxygen!

(I strongly advise you *NOT* to fill your tires with pure oxygen. You
won't notice the increased thermal conductance of your wheels, and you may
end up doing an experiment on whether your BMW is exothermic or not!)
- -R

> Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2001 09:11:00 -0500
> From: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: Prep for driver's school
> Nitrogen will aid in keeping low tyre temps when the car is pushed.  Also
> University studies indicate tyres last upto 100% longer using Nitrogen than
> air.
> Dan Law
> 404.927.3622

- -- 
Robert A. Rose          web: http://www.rarose.com
Hillsboro, OR         email: [email protected]
