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2-stroke gas (with oil) in M-20 engine?

I just bought a gas chain saw that I'll probably use very infrequenly.
But, the gas that I'll have with a bit of 30 wt oil (40:1 mix) should
be used within 90 days of purchase.  So, I bought a 1 gallon gas can
and will mix up small quanities of this gas/oil mix.  The saw dealer
says that I can put excess (less than one gallon) of this gas/oil
mix into my car.  

So, would a small amount of 30 wt oil (probably less than 1/80th of a
gallon) in my gas hurt my '90 E-30 325ic?  I'm assuming that if it's
OK, I would add it to an almost full tank.

        Thanks in advance!
           Larry Schwarcz
           [email protected]
