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Re: E34 tranny question

In a message dated 4/6/2001 9:54:53 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

<< From: "John Byrne" <[email protected]>
 Subject: E34 T Tranny question
 Howdy listers. The tranny on my '95 E34 Touring (31k mi.) seems to be
 slipping on the first acceleration of the morning. Which is to say, that
 when I first hit the gas after starting the car, it takes considerably more
 pedal and RPM to get it to move than a) it used to and b) it does at any
 other time (including the second acceleration of the morning, a stop sign
 one block from my house).
 After that, it seems fine.
 Any thoughts? Should I be as alarmed as I'm inclined to be?
 Thanks,  >>

~~~~~~ Have your dealer connect the DIS hand scan tool to the car, drive it 
cold in the A.M. with technician, and see what codes are stored. Sounds like 
impartial solenoid valve actuation or torque converter or forward clutch 
packs. It should be looked at without delay.

[email protected]
