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Frozen Front Caliper 1986 535i

   I have this perplexing problem with the front passenger side brake 
caliper.  In the past week, the front caliper of my 86 535i locked up to a 
point that the wheel was not movable. I parked the car and when I returned, 
I bled that caliper and gave the caliper a few knocks with a hammer. I was 
then able drive the car home (two miles to my house)

   The second time this happen, I removed the caliper and replaced it with a 
remanufactured caliper(which included the brake pads) at $69.00 plus a core 
charge.  The first day out, I drove approx 5 miles and the same thing 
happened.  I could feel the front wheel slowing to a point that the car had 
to be parked. I could smell a burniing odor and feel excessive heat coming 
from that wheel.

   When I returned to the car a few hours later, instead of using the 
regular brakes, I used the hand brake the entire distance to my house 
(approx. 4 miles) with out a problem.  Although this may not mean anything. 
Previous I had bead the rear brakes a week ago and blead the front brakes 
today. Please any ideas out there.

[email protected]
1986 535i 181,000 miles
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