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RE: Recommendations for good and affordable 2nd beamer

N [mailto:[email protected]] wrote:
> I came in late on this thread.  But, the content of the subject &
> the content of the comments I've seen are confusing.  The Subject 
> line asks about motorcycles (Beamers) & the content talks about cars 
> (Bimmers).  So, what's the question?
> [...]
> If anyone is still confused by the difference between Bimmers & 
> Beamers, join the BMW CCA.  One of the first things you will learn
> is the difference between the two.

And the second thing you will learn is that there is no consensus on this
subject even in the BMW CCA ranks.
The bimmer/beamer paranoia applies primarily to the East Coast US BMW
owners. There is less consensus in the rest of the US and you will find most
European clubs using the two term interchangeably.
All that being said, if you don't to get your ass chewed by the hard core
BMW CCA members, stick to bimmer == car, beamer == bike ;-)

alex f
