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Help needed with injection wiring

I have a 520i manufactured in March 84. The fuel injection system (from what I
can tell) is L-jetronic. I have a problem with the ignition vacuum control
solenoid valve. There is no signal to the relay that controls this valve.  The
relay is located on the rhs (closest to engine) of the fuse box, and is the
closest relay to the front of the car. I have traced the wiring to find that
the +12V is reaching the relay, however the signal used to switch the relay (a
gound signal) is not present.

Acording to my Haynes manual, the soleniod is energised when the inlet
manifold tempreature exceeds 17 degrees Celcius, which allows the vacuum
advance on the distributor to work. After running my car and bringing it to
normal operating temperatures the solenoid still did not energise. The
solenoid tested ok as did the relay.

I have tried to follow the wire that controls the switching of the relay but I
can not find where it goes.  It is a Brown wire with a red stripe down it,
however I dont think that it connects to the Br/r wire that goes to the ECU.
(pin 10 of ECU to coolant temp sensor)

I am trying to track down a schematic for the injection circuitry.  The only
schematic I have is for a United Kingdom 1983 520i and these were not fitted
with the solenoid valve.

I would be interested to hear from anyone who may be able to assist me,
please email any information to [email protected]
