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Re: <e34> High Pitched Noise - Help

Just a thot.  I've heard of these models making some strange noises from the
a/c heater system opening/closing flaps, even after the engine is shut off,
though it hasn't done it in mine (yet).  This could happen even though
you're not using the a/c component of the system.
Ken C.
1990 535ia
reply to :  [email protected]
- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Bell Jr, James T" <[email protected]>
To: "'BMW List Sub.'" <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 5:47 AM
Subject: <e34> High Pitched Noise - Help

> Fellow Digesters:
> I need your experience.
> Lately, I have been experiencing an occasional very high pitched noise
> (sometimes louder inside the car than outside, and sometimes vice versa)
> from my 1990 535ia.  My initial thought was that it was a wheel bearing,
> although I have been told that they very rarely go bad on e34's and have
> actually had mine checked since the problem developed.  This noise seems
> come and go with no relation to anything else (temp., speed, accel.,
> turn, straight).  In fact, the noise got even louder after I had my front
> brakes done by the shop that inspected the front bearings, although it has
> become more intermittent.
> The shop where I took the car, diagnosed the problem as the A/C dryer, but
> think they are out of their minds.  I have not had the a/c on in months as
> it has been quite cold here in Atlanta.
> Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
> Thank you
> Jay Bell
> #108407
> [email protected]
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