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I'm not in a position to buy your car, but here are some comments:

1. Used transmissions (manual/auto) are around $400-500.  The manual trannies
on my car are 200,000 miles old and are fine.  Check www.bimmerworld.com.
2. PS racks are $275 rebuilt and should cost no more than $600 total
3. Good price on the timing belt!  I would have put it at $200.
4. Wiring harnesses are cheaper too if you get them used.  Putting them in is
a pain though.

The key to having and enjoying these cars is doing some research to get good
prices, doing some of the 'easy' work yourself and putting up with some of the
ancient ergonomics and failed dash lights because you like the car enough.
You should have subscribed to this list earlier!  Also, check out the BMW UUC
List, http://www.bubbaclub.com/BMWUUCDIGEST/default.htm.

My suggestion to you would be to keep the car and get on the Lists to have it
fixed/fix it economically.  If you are inclined to doing any of your own work,
that is.

Neil Deshpande
1988 325 iS - 200,000 miles.  Never failed on me!
1989 325 iC - 200,000 miles.  Ditto!
www.neilwerke.com - see what work I've done on these things!  Some was
necessary and some I did just to learn!


Michael Yoh <[email protected]>
I bought a 1986 BMW 325es for my daughter 1 1/2 years ago with a reconstructed
title (front right had been hit, but fixed well). for $2,000.00.  Book on it
was about $6,000.00 according to blue book.  Hope it would serve as reliable
local transportation for her.

Well, one power steering rack ($900.00), two transmission rebuilds
($2,000.00), new wiring harness and rotor cap ($450.00), new timing belt
($100), and $800.00 more of work on it, later, I am readt to say: "enough".  I
have $6,000.00 in it and will be lucky to recover $2,500.00, I bet.  The
transmission cost $1,500.00 to rebuild the first time with a one year
warranty.  Two weeks past this warranty, it went out again.  It is presently
being rebuilt again, and will have another one year warranty on it.

I will cut my losses, and my biggest goof ever at buying cars.  Anyone have
any idea what this may be worth to someone wanting a nice car and willing to
put a bit of work into it.  I hate to think it is worth more to part it out,
than to sell whole, but it may get to that.  For someone willing to do some
work, the present owner, me, has already poured the first big batch of money
into it.
