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Re: bmw-digest V9 #1619


I have an 86' e-30 with the same problem. The water could be coming from 
the front sun-roof drains. There are holes in the front corners, each 
leading to a tube that carries the water down the front roof pillar. These 
tubes end about 2 inches below the front speakers and the water should flow 
out drain holes. My drains are gunked or rusted shut, and the water ends up 
soaking my carpet.
The water also caused damage to the central locking control box, which 
happens to attach to the body just below the drivers speaker.

I have been trying to find a way to open up these drains along the sill, 
but I am not sure exactly how the water got out in the first place.

Any other info or advice out there?


>Subject: <e30> Water Leak
>I have an '88 325is which is accumulating water in the passenger footwell
>area after a heavy rainfall. I have observed water running down the
>carpeting from underneath the dash. It only happens during a heavy sustained
>rainfall. Has anyone else experienced this?
>Matt Pelkey

	Josh Ormsby

	Mechanical Designer		Phone:    (617) 354-3830 x246
	Intelligent Automation		Fax:      (617) 547-9727
	149 Sidney Street		Net: http://www.automationonline.com/
	Cambridge, MA 02139		Email:     [email protected]
