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re: Camaro SS vs. 95 M3


For 0-60 acceleration re gearing the final drive is the most direct way for
gains. I have a 3.46 final gear and a quaiffe(sp?) from Korman Autoworks and
this makes a definite difference. I also did this to my '94 325is in 1995.
My son now has the '94 and put a 3.91 final drive in. Very quick but not to
my taste.  You can ship your diff to Ray and they will so the necesary
rebuild. You may even get my son (Wes) working on your car -- he has been a
Tech there since August a year ago. The turn around time is not too long and
worth an expert build.

For more information go to http://www.kormanfastbmw.com/techinfo.htm for a
very good explaination of the procedure and why you do not loose top end
speed. It's not chheap but it sure is effective and I love acceleration.

'97 M3 -- on the wait list for the E46 M3

> Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2000 14:38:08 GMT
> From: "Paul Frederick" <[email protected]>
> Subject: Camaro SS vs. 95 M3
> I must say I'm very disappointed and embarassed. This weekend I got smoked
> by a Camaro SS (in my all so powerful Dinan chipped95 m3) from a stand still
> at a red light(made me look like I was in reverse). Luckiliy I had none of
> my friends in the car with me. I have defenitely got to get some mods to
> ensure there is not a repeat performance.
> If I understand correctly the regular upgrades (chip, intake, maf sensor)
> does nothing to improve your take off from a stand still you only start to
> feel the improvement in the upper gears. Can anyone out there tell me if
> there is anything I can do to improve this part of my car's performance,
> besides the $$$$ upgrades of getting a supercharger or turbo? I determined
> to make sure this does not happen again, at least not by a Chevy.
> Paul Eagerly Awaiting a rematch
