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First, check the back of the valve cover. I had a loose bolt there on my e-30.

The symptoms were similar but not as dramatic.


I am leaking oil from my 1987 528e.  It seems to be running down the back of
the engine or somewhere near the inspection plate by on the tranny.  If I
drive on the freeway for 15 to 20 minutes and stop somewhere and get out you
can smell the oil burn of the exhaust.  On a recent road trip of about 350
miles we stopped and it looked like my BMW was on fire because of all the
smoke coming out from underneath the car.

I have been told it could be the heads, oil sending unit, or God forbid the
rear main.  I am tired of smelling burning oil, PLEASE HELP!!

Hopefully, someone with a possible similar experience might know something.


[email protected]

	Josh Ormsby

	Mechanical Designer		Phone:    (617) 354-3830 x246
	Intelligent Automation		Fax:      (617) 547-9727
	149 Sidney Street		Net: http://www.automationonline.com/
	Cambridge, MA 02139		Email:     [email protected]
