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E-34 M5 Steering Box Question

Does the E34 M5 steering box have a quicker ratio than a box from a 1990
535i?  Can the box be swapped out without having to install the M5 power
steering pump?  Has anyone made this swap?  I know that the M5 box, the M5
power steering hose, and the M5 power steering pump all have different
numbers than the 535i, however I've got a line on a the box for a
semi-reasonable price and have no real desire to install all three if its
not necessary.  Are the M5 power steering fittings the same size as those on
the 535i?  TIA!

Jackson Zimmermann
[email protected]
1990 535i (newer, fewer miles, fine condition, much more luxurious, but not
as fun to drive, yet...)
1985 535i (older, 300K+ miles, looking very tired, many mods, lots of spunk,
lots of fun to drive)
