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More on Chubb
> I write for Chubb, though be it through a General Agent representing them and to date
> all the claims we have had have been handled quickly and fairly. Chubb is also a little
> like BMW in that in a world of giants and Board of Directors, Chubb is still basically
> owned by the starting family. Chubb is also well over 100 years old.
I will try to address your other questions/comments below:
> Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 09:53:01 -0400
> From: Michael Reilly <[email protected]>
> Subject: Insurance Companies - Chubb
> Before I get too far, does anyone have experience with "Chubb Auto
> Insurance?" (www.chubb.com, 877-BMW-3578) They have a BMW program and
> specialize in insuring other luxury cars as well. The price,
> surprisingly enough, is about the same as I would pay if I stayed
> with State Farm, however I am planning to switch to them unless
> someone can give reason why I shouldn't. Has anyone dealt with them?
> Anyone filed claims with them? Did everything go smoothly?
> Some things I like about it are:
> - -Set value of your car for the year, if it is stolen or totalled, you
> get that much. This can include tax and purchase fees and everything.
> So if it's stolen or totalled in the first year, it's entirely
> covered. After that, they send you a quote each year of the value
> they think it is, but you can call and adjust that value.
> - -No deductable if your car is stolen or totalled. No deductable for
> replacing stolen or accidently deployed airbags. No deductable for
> replacing the locks or fixing chips/cracks in the windshield.
> - -They have total loss coverage for accidents. Where my state farm
> policy covers $100,000/$300,000 which is something like max of
> $100,000 per claim, $300,000 total. (I'm not exactly sure, correct me
> if I'm wrong) Chubb just provides $300,000 to be split as needed.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- You seem to be a
> just slight mistaken here, Chubb does not write less than the $300,000. which indeed
> better than your 100/300 limits with State Farm and in fact costs more when you compare
> the two coverages with a company that writes both. (For example, Metropolitan just
> starting writing both types of limits but the single costs much more because you pay out
> more) You are right to value this coverage but you can also get their $500,000. limit
> for probably pennies a day. Actually, the limits of 100/300/50 refer to a maximum of
> $100,000. for bodily injury suffered by any one person and not more than $300,000. per
> accident no matter the number injured while the last number refers to the amount they
> will pay for any property damage you do. (i.e. other cars, tractor trailers, houses,
> etc. you damage)
> - -Similarly, my state farm policy gives me like $20/day to rent a car
> if mine is in an accident. But depending where you are, car's aren't
> that cheap to rent. Chubb provides up to $1,500 to rent any car you
> want, for as long as you need it while yours is being repaired. If
> you're 50+ miles away from home, that money can also go toward hotel,
> food, and phone calls.
- -------------------------------------- This $1,500. blanket limit should have a 30 day
limit and corresponding $50. per day limit;
> So at this point I am planning to go with them, but would like to
> make sure I'm not making a mistake leaving State Farm. Thanks.
- ------------------------------- I don't think you are making a mistake and I just wrote a
guy and his family who had been with State Farm for years, moved coverage to Chubb and had
an accident not a week later. He was very happy with their claims service and no they did
not cancel him. Chubb targets both the higher value homes and the more affluent auto
owner. Their programs are not always cheaper but they offer much better coverage more
suitable service for those with a higher than average income, home and automobiles. If
your $300,000. home were to burn down while insured with Chubb you could realistically
receive 50% or more in reimbursement with Chubb than had you had a State Farm policy.
(This is based on the typically State Farm vs Chubb policy I have encountered in TN, we
all know I cannot make a blanket statement and cover all lines and types of coverage both
write. State Farm is an excellent company but I do not believe they meet the needs of the
above average consumer and I do not believe that is their goal or target.)
> Michael
Cheap ploy for business posted below:
If anyone in Tennessee is interested in the Chubb program please call me, you will get the
same pricing and coverages as calling them direct but you will always have an agent and a
contact person in lieu of having to deal with a 800 number for all service and
questions. I have no problems writing the 540i or M cars even if you have a blemish on
your driving record.
Richard R. Coker, CIC located right outside of Nashville
888-343-8782 or local 615-824-1353
Ok, sorry if not appropriate for the list but I couldn't stop my fingers.