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RE: Sythetics?

Sorry about previous mispost...

[email protected] wrote:
> I just purchased a 96 328is.  I won't go on and on about it 
> don't worrry, but I do have a few questions.

Congratulations on the your new toy!

> I've read a lot about sythetics and how they work much better
> and last longer than regular old oil.  So.... I was thinking 
> about switching over to synthetic oil in the motor, transmission
> and differential.

MTL (or D4 ATF) in manual transmission will surprise you by how much
smoother gear engagement will become. Particularly in cold weather.
75W90 will work well in your read diff, but may be nosy! So much so, that I
downgraded to thicker 80W140 for my older '89 325i to quiet the diff that
was screaming during full lock parking lot turns. 
If 75W90 introduces read diff noises in your car, you could first drop by a
local Chevy dealer and buy Corvette LSD oil additive for something like $3.
It worked for me until the next oil change when at which point I moved to

Read more at:

> I know of Mobil 1 and Red Line, is there anyone else I should 
> consider?  Which is the best? Any where else I should consider 
> putting synthetics?

I think you have run out of oil crevasses ;-)
As far as which oil is the best, this is largely a personal (religious?)
preference. This question is only one step down on the controversy ladder
below the all time favorite of 'how often should I change my oil'...

The only hard evidence I ever saw was the data on viscosity indexes and
flash points of the common brand names. I will re-post it in a separate
message as the list is very long.

> Where's the cheapest or best place to buy the oil?

This depends on what you are shopping for. For redline (and other
useful/exotic bimmer supplies), try one of the following:

For Mobile 1, check your local Wal-Mart. 
Not so long ago they used to sell 5-quart Mobile 1 jugs for under $15
(instead of the usual $4+/quart). However I could not find those 5-quart
jugs when I went oil shopping last month. Does anyone know if that was once
in a lifetime deal?

> Any recommendations, thoughts, rants, raves, scoffs, whatever... 
> any info you have on synthetics would be great.

You asked for it (see part 2)

alex f
