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RE: <E30> R134 conversion

Chris Fowler <[email protected]> wrote:
> My 87 325es compress or is bad and I need to replace it.  

Chris, you are saying that your compressor is dead, right?

> When talking about this to my technician he stated that he 
> could not replace the compressor to work with R12 because 
> it was illegal to do that in 2000. 

I don't know if it is illegal, but it would certainly be a bad idea to spend
the money fixing your AC system and not convert to R134a at the same time.

> He must convert it and this wasgoing to cost over $2,000 
> to do.  Is this  a correct figure?

Depending on how many things will required swapping in addition to $350+
compressor (see http://www.koalamotorsport.com/ac.htm), your hardware tab
will run from $500 (compressor + R134a kit + drier) to around $750
(compressor + hardware kit + drier + new AC lines).
The labor should be around 3-5 hours, at the most. 
Unless your mechanic is worth $1250/5 hours = $250.00 an hour, find a new
honest mechanic.

> I have decided to purchase a remanufactured compressor from
> BMW recycling and then converting it myslef. 

Two bad ideas:
1. Re-manufactured Behr compressors are still flaky + pretty inefficient.
2. You do not want to start your first foray into DIY with AC work. 

> I assume this will cost me around $500 to do.

Probably more like $750 in hardware alone.
Now you will still need to pay someone to install the drier (has to be
installed right before recharging) and re-charge the system with R134a.
Then, if you have any leaks, you will still have to pay the shop to identify
the leak, evacuate R134a, go back home to patch the hole, buy a new drier
(need a new one if system is without charge over 1/2 hour), etc, etc. 

Please find a competent honest professional to do this job for you!

> It seems like the compressor is easy to get to and not so 
> hard to do the conversion. Why do technicians charge so much 
> to do this job? Has anyone had luck doing the conversion 
> theirselves?  

Check with Neil Deshpande <[email protected]>
good luck,
alex f
