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Re: <E28> Short-shifter recommendations?


   There are several shifters on the market, and they are almost all great 
products.  The '85 535i is somewhat unique in that it has what is called a 
"sheetmetal console" (this is the "carrier" where the shifter pivot ball 
sits.)  It is attached at the rear by a poor rubber bushing with press-fit 
nipples, and is quite prone to popping out, if not outright failure.  
Depending upon which shifter you choose, I'd replace this bushing with a 
bolt-through type (available from UUCMotorwerks - or you can fashion your own 
quite easily).  If it hasn't failed yet, chances are it will soon.  (You will 
be able to move the entire shifter mechanism up & down quite a bit with 
little effort.)  If you go with a kit which consists of a shift lever ONLY, 
you will want to replace the selector rod and selector coupling with OEM 
parts as well.    

   After that, just remember that shorter throw means increased effort.  You 
simply must be somewhat patient with the old Getrag 265 (I have Redline MTL 
and a UUC Street shifter), especially at high rpm shifts from 1st to 2nd.  I 
find that the increased effort of the shortshifter somewhat masks the feel of 
the synchro a bit, but it is very well worth it...

Hope this helps,

Rob Workman  

In a message dated 6/10/00 4:13:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
[email protected] writes:

<< Hello all!  I have a 1985 535i with a 5-speed.
 What recommendations/experiences have any of you had regarding 
 short-shifter kits?
 Thanks in advance for your time.  Private replies are fine.
 ...Kim Hensley 
 BMW CCA #16216 >>
