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RE: <All> Mobile Traditions Parts CD & E28 Bentley

"Lowe, Daniel" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Could someone confirm the latest release for the Mobile 
> Traditions Parts CD and whether that release includes the E28?

My Mobile Tradition CD ( marked I/99 does contain E28 data.
All E30 and back in time models are covered (albeit some better then
I ordered this CD on 9/99, so it is at least 9 months old. The CD was listed
at $40.00 at the dealer.

BTW, now that I've moved to E36s, I will be ordering new "E36 and back" CD
from Central Letter Shop making my current MT CD redundant. 

Therefore, I am accepting any offers on my Mobile Tradition CD. How does $30
(shipping included) OBO sound?

> Local stealer and Rocky Mountain Motorworks were of no help.
> Neither knew the latest release date or what cars were 
> covered on it.

Can't speak for Rocky Mountain Motorworks (not a fan of theirs: they tend to
re-sell BMW NA trinkets at a markup), but a competent dealer should know.
I would make the effort to buy this item from the dealer since they are
guaranteed to have the most updated versions. 

> Could you also point me in the right direction to
> purchase one?

Check with BMW dealers advertising in the Roundel!

> I know Kent-Moore isn't selling them anymore and can't put
> my hands on the contact numbers for the new seller that's 
> been discussed.

Central Letter Shop: 877-695-0079

alex f
