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RE: <E36><M3>Differential Ratios
- Subject: RE: <E36><M3>Differential Ratios
- From: "ra rabmw" <rabmw@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 15:08:32 EDT
Here's Armand's(VAC's)info. [email protected] Tel#215-462-2996
website: www.VACBMWMotorsports.com .
My experience with BMWs started in 1971,and from 2002's to the
present they have always just started adding on seats,driveline
parts,radios,etc. as they became available on the production line.
Any late production version BMW from any model and year, may
indeed have up-grades,whether officially on BMW's VIN list or not.If your
late '95 car SEEMS to have the '96 3.23 diff.ratio,it probably does,along
with all the M3 cars produced at that particular assembly plant from that
date on.
I've lost track of all the diff.'s that weren't what the book
said,from the 3.45 ratio supposedly in all early '72 2002Tii cars,(1100 of
them) that turned out to be in maybe 30% of the cars we checked in Philly,to
some E34 5 series we tried to swap out 25 years later.
Maybe Armand at VAC Motorsports,or at Korman's,or Rob L.or Steve
G. may know more.
o/______\o "RA"/Bob G.
>From: "Franklin W. Nelson" <[email protected]>
>To: "ra rabmw" <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>,
><[email protected]>
>Subject: RE: <E36><M3>Differential Ratios
>Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 09:25:00 -0700
>Thanks for the response, Bob. Helpful as always. However, what I'm really
>curious about is what was available in '95. I had always understood that
>BMW put the 3.23 gearing only in the LTW in '95, but decided to use it for
>all M3's starting in the '96 model year. Since I have a late production
>'95, I'm starting to suspect that some of the improvements incorporated
>the '96 M3 also made it into the late production '95's. If you give me
>tel # and/or email address I'll ask them if they know what was ratio(s)
>on the '95 M3.
>Frank Nelson
> >>>
> See below for my reply from a long term supplier on different
>ratios, as to what was and is available originally.
> "RA"/Bob G.
> From: Armand,VAC Motorsports. Subject: E36/E46 Differential Ratios
> Bob, there is no "direct factory bolt-on" in that ratio(3.46LSD)
>E36. Stock options were only 3.15, 3.23, 3.38, & 3.91.We may have some of
>those ratios in used items.
> We can custom build LSD ones in 3.46,3.64, & 3.73,
>for about $1,200.
> >>>
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