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Re: brake fluid tester

   Since it would take well over a year for your car to have a high enough
moisure level in the fluid to require attention,and you're already changing
it more often,seems like wasted money from here.You should,however,bleed the
brake calipers after your last school of the season,to remove any possible
burnt fluid for the winter.    "RA"/Bob G.
"RA"  [email protected]  (remove EX)
- ----- Original Message -----
From: <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 10:19 AM
Subject: brake fluid tester

> I saw a brake fluid tester in the recent Griot's Garage parts catalog for
> $40.  Apparantly this device uses a pair of electrodes to test your brake
> fluid for moisture content.  I have always had my local mechanic change my
> brake fluid the month before every driving school, as required by BMWCCA.
> have not bothered to change or check the brake fluid prior to autocrosses
> after the last school of the season.  My question is whether any or you
> used this type of device and can vouch for its accuracy, or if I am better
> off just following the regimen I've already established.
> --
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