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<E30>Re: Odometer/Tripmeter stopped functioning, etc


Sigh.  "They all do that."  Don't you just *hate* that answer?!?
On the odometer:  there is a plastic gear driven by a worm drive
connected to the speedo cable that splits over time.  There has
been correspondance lately on disassembly and 'repair' of the
gear, but having done that several times - even to the same unit -
I do not recommend the approach.  A speedo shop here in Seattle
charged me $50 for a carry-in rebuild, wherein they replace the
gear, cleaned and calibrated the beastie with a next day return.
That's my recommendation.

On the 'clunk':  several things to check:  first, put the car
on jackstands (safety first!) and do the traditional twisting
of the driveline to see if any of the three u-joints have play
in them.  All are possible.  Also check the clamp bolt on the
spline connecting the two halves of the driveline.  Check the
guibo (the rubber donut up front) while you are there, although
an unlikely suspect in a 'clunk' case.  Similarly check the
center support bearing and surround, while you are there.  You
will have to have removed the heat shield to see this stuff,
and I don't recall if you have to drop the back of the exhaust.
If you do need u-joints, there are reasonable rebuilders; drop
me a note for a list.

While you are doing the twisting, have the hand-brake on to lock
the rear wheels, and listen for the 'clunk' as well.  If you
find no other problem, and hear the 'clunk' from the diff, you
may have to go there.  I have no experience inside the case, but
the entire diff is easily swapped, and $200 to $300 used.

Have Fun!  Larry F.

>Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000 17:13:24 EDT
>From: [email protected]
>Subject: Odometer/Tripmeter stopped functioning, etc.
>Hello everyone.
>I'm a fairly new BMW owner, and a lurker on this digest.
>I have a few questions that someone could perhaps help me with;
>I am the owner of a 1984 325e whose odometer and tripmeter have stopped
>working.  They did this previously when it was very cold.  The next day I
>simply reset the tripmeter and all was well.  The same thing happened
>recently and now the resetting trick does not work.  Any ideas?  I've looked
>at the E30 faq's and did not find anything on this subject.
>Another question is in regards to a sound (a clunk, like there is too much
>lash in the differential or loose bushings holding the differential to
>subframe) coming from the rear of the vehicle.  It sounds like it is
>eminating from the differential or differential mounting point area.  The
>vehicle has a 5-speed manual transmission and the sound results when the
>gears are shifted in any manner other than slow and deliberate.
>Thank you in advance.

- -- 
Larry Franks
Issaquah, Washington
'95 540i/6
'95 M3
