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Headrestcovers .....

Hi Steve, Willian and rest of list!

Ok, I admit - I guess I was a bit out of line, I'm sorry!
Anyways, I succeeded in getting William on the "right" track:

Mail from William:
>Well ummm I umm I just well umm.  OH, they were for a friend?  Thanks >for
>the heads up, I gave it some more thought.  Umm I'll tell that >(Friend) 
>to get them.  Thanks.

Steve, I get your point - and you're absolutely right, and I should have put 
it in another way....

>Date: Sat, 8 Apr 2000 22:14:00 EDT
>From: [email protected]
>Subject: RE: Headrest covers
>Thomas & William,
>Admittedly, I don't know what these things look like, and I'm not >trying 
>start any kind of flaming, so if you don't agree with what I am about >to 
>feel free to e-mail me direct and tell me so. I don't know where to >get 
>covers, but, William, if you like your BMW to be the way YOU like it, >and 
>how others think you should have it, by all means hunt them down and >get 
>I just bought a 73 2002, and if I find flares, rear spoiler and front >air 
>I like, they are going on the car, because I like the looks. If I >want to 
>a small block Chevy in it and blow away the rst of the BMW's, then >that's 
>business, because it's MY car, not the BMW communities car. Quite >frankly, 
>certainly didn't buy the 2002 for its looks. I bought it cuz it >screams,
>especially in corners. Personnaly I don't like stock looking >vehicles, but 
>realize it's their thing, and keep my mouth shut, if I don't have >anything
>positive to say.
>Thomas, if you are a BMW purist, more power to you. I don't look down >on 
>Vette, or IH purists, and I would hope, that they don't look down on 
> >people
>who like to modify or individualize their mode of transportation. A >person
>should be free enjoy their vehicle in whatever safe manner they >choose. 
>would have served William better if you had told him where to get >what he
>wants, or maybe suggest another alternative. Possibly he NEEDs to >cover 
>headrests and can't justify paying the kind of money an upholstry >shop 
>charge. Maybe he works a blue collar job and doesn't want to get >grease on
>his factory headrests. There could be a millon reasons.
>To list members: If you feel I am out of line, e-mail me directly so >we 
>waste digest space on this subject. You can e-mail me at >[email protected]
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