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Re: Speedo and Turn signal Problem

I had this problem with my '84 318i.  I'll bet money that you've got
cracked solder joints on the printed circuit board _inside_ the
instrument cluster.  If you take it apart, look at the solder joints. 
You will probably see cracks in them, and the wire that is supposed to
be soldered in is wiggled free.  When you go over bumps, sometimes it
works, but sometimes it doesn't.  A quick re-solder job should take care
of it.

Make sure not to hold the soldering iron in one place for too long. 
There are many delicate instruments inside, and heat can quicky travel
and melt the internals of some of the gauges (I know from experience).


I have an 84 325e or E30 and I have been having problems with the =
Speedo. I
think that either a wire is lose or a fuse blown but the Speedo works
sometimes and not other there has been no constant thing happing (i.e. =
the lights are on the Speedo works and does not work on different =
or if the lights are off the same thing also if I hit a bump in the =
road it
does not matter) I have pulled the dash out and could not find any =
that looked wrong. I tried to follow the tests in the Bentley manual =
common dash problems but to no avail it still happens. The only other
problem I have been having is the Turn signal light s are not working
correct they are either about a =BD a sec apart when I don't apply the =
or they slow down to about a 40 sec delay between flashes when I apply =
brakes. I don't think the problem is related but I have replaced the =
and checked all the bulbs and it still happens. Any help on either =
would be greatly appreciated.=20
Thanks David=20
84 325e
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