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Fwd: <E34> stuck glove box


Bummer, but not that unusual.  My bet is that the pot-metal
thingie (please pardon the use of technical terms) connected
to the handle that pushes the lever that retracts the two
'claws' that constitute the latch, has broken.

Presuming that this is the case, my solution is to gently
pry down the top of the glove box, exposing several Phillips
screws, which you can remove.  Two of these secure the plate
the 'claws' latch into, and with those removed, there will be
enough flex to pull down the glove box and latch plate, and
use a long (14"ish) screwdriver or rod, depress the right
hand one that will be exposed by this manuver.  Viola!

With the glove box open, you can remove the latch with two
additional screws and carry it into your local deal to secure
a replacement.  They will say "Wait right here, please" and
hustle one up, without having to look it up on their computer,
or check stock.  Hmmm.  Remember to whip out your Club card
for a discount (both the Seattle and Bellevue dealers honor
them with a 15% discount.  No double discount with CCA *and*
ACA cards, I tried!).

Have fun, Larry F.

>Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 20:50:10 -0800
>From: Steve Poole <[email protected]>
>Subject: <E34> stuck glove box
>Grr. My brother and I installed a CD changer in my wife's E34 535i and
>managed to get the glove box stuck closed while doing so (removed it and got
>it jammed while replacing it).
>It's not locked, and in fact I can lock and unlock it. When locked the latch
>has very limited travel and feels just like I'd expect. When unlocked the
>latch has more travel, but won't disengage the mechanism. It feels like the
>application of additional force would result in something breaking.
>Any thoughts on how to unwedge things? Fortunately there's nothing inside,
>but my wife isn't thrilled...
>Steve Poole / Seattle / http://www.stevepoole.com

- -- 
Larry Franks
Issaquah, Washington
'95 540i/6
'95 M3
