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RE: BAV parts CD

JC Nordyke <[email protected]> asks:
> Alex Fadeev wrote:
> > 
> > "William Moore" <[email protected]> asks:
> > > 
> > > Any info on the "BMW Mobile Tradition" parts
> > > catalog CD-Rom (BAV catalog spring & summer 2000,
> > > page 66, #72 00 0 035 315) with reference to a 91
> > > e30?
> > 
> > William,
> > I am looking at it right now. It covers all cars from
> > E30s' and back. I got this one for around $34 from a
> > mail order BMW dealer (see Roundel adds). What else
> > do you want to know?
> > 
>   Does it cover the 1976 3.0Si? 

	The "Mobile Tradition" (part # 72 00 0 035 315) cd covers: Veteranen
(3/20, 303, 309, 315, 319, 320, 321, 326, 327, 328, 335, Dixi 3/15), V8
(501, 502, 3200CS, 503, 507), Isetta (250, 300, BMW 600, Dreirad), 700,
1500-2000, 1502-2002, E 3/9/12/21/23/24/30 and Z1.
	JC, your 3.0Si falls under the E3 body group and is covered with
part #s, picture and diagrams.

> I've been searching for a couple of different (and I mean different)
> parts for my 3.0Si, and the dealership has not been of much help.
> The most recent trip to the dealership cost me 45 minutes and the 
> parts guy still had not found the part.

	I only wish BMW AG had the balls to include recent models on this or
a similar CD. 
	Since BMW has washed its hands off controlling the quality of its
dealers (independent businesses), such a CD is frequently the only source of
information on your car.
	These days when I show up at the parts counter of a local dealer,
their first question is "are you going to buy this from us today". If I say
no, they don't even bother looking up the part numbers or prices. The other
dealer doesn't ask question my intentions, but has 50% success rate finding
and selling the right parts. Some service.

> The previous part I was searching for was the air hose between the 
> airflow meter and the air plenum. They told me that they don't have 
> a 3.0Si Fiche that shows EFI so my vehicle had to be a European spec
> vehicle because it has EFI. Oh well. So back to the original question.
> Does it cover the 3.0Si and where can I (a Roundel deprived individual)
> get one for $34 (the cheapest I've found is $50). If need be, post 
> direct to me to avoid breaking any of the list rules (i.e. shameless 
> plugs for specific commerce).

EFI 30Si parts _are_ listed on this CD. The software leaves a lot to be
desired. It is a bit difficult to search if you don't know what you are
looking for (like me with a 3.0Si). But doable.
Try some of the BMW dealers selling online/mail order listed on links' web
site: http://www.bmwlinks.com

alex f
