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Re: Road Atlanta weekend carnage

Thought you guys might want to hear, more details and pictures to come on my
web site:

Neko wrote:
> Our weekend at RA was filled with twisted metal and blows motors. Here is a
> quick rundown of the carnage.
> Friday
> ------
> * C4 Vette blows up on the main straight
> * George breaks the crank in his AMC
> Saturday
> --------
> * A 944 winds up with no brakes at the end of the straight. Flies off the end
> of the track and skips over a recessed grate. The car was nicely bent into a V shape.
> * Spiff cakes up on the inside wall in turn 12
> Sunday
> ------
> * Ewan sails into a tire wall in turn 3
> * Sammy **ALMOST** plows into the wall at turn 7
> Ouch .. a humbling experience indeed. Pictures to come ...
> --
> -SPiFF-

- -- 
Sammy A. Haroon,  Taxila, Inc.,  770.234.9087
mailto:[email protected]
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"From Experience. - The irrationality of a thing is no argument against its
existence, rather a condition of it"
Human, All Too Human by Freidrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, publ. 1878
